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Wahat al-Farah – multiple visits by our project partners from Germany and the European Union

Internationale Partner

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Over the last months and weeks, Wahat al-Farah has been honoured by multiple visits by our project partners from Germany and the European Union. They came to visit both, the Agro-Ecological Construction Project and the Educational Farm. The Agro-Ecological Construction project was completed in June of this year as part of the Local Development Programme for Urban Areas in North Lebanon (UDP_NL) which is co-funded by the European Union and Germany and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Social Affairs.


In the project, Wahat al-Farah, GIZ and Soils Lebanon together construct facilities for agro-food production, creating 55 short-term income generation opportunities through Cash for Work in the process. The new garden adds new learning and work opportunities for our students. The organic produce is used in kitchen of WAF and sold at the “Waha-shop”. The first delegation to visit the project was from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Embassy. Led by Klaus Krämer, head of the Middle East II division at BMZ, the visitors took a tour of the new agrofood production facilities and visited the Waha-Shop, which also moved into a new location as part of the project. Later, Wahat al Farah also received Ms. Michaela Baur, Director General of the Europe, Mediterranean and Central Asia Department at GIZ.


Recently, Wahat al-Farah was honoured to receive the EU Ambassador to Lebanon, Mr. Ralph Tarraf. The delegation of the European Union saw with their own eyes the positive impact the new outdoor activities have on our students. The attendees also delved into the challenges presented by the current crisis and how it is affecting the education of youth and children with disabilities in particular. As conclusion, our visitors were able to connect the different sections of the garden to the educational benefits for our children and youth …


In regards to the educational farm, our partner from Jugendfarm from Erlangen, a city in Germany/Bavaria, visited us for a follow up and to supervise our staff who followed a training journey in “Animal Assisted Therapy” in September.


The visitor’s team organized:

1. Awareness sessions about our new educational farm project for:

  • Wahat al-Farah team
  • Syrian refugee’s families.


2. Interventions sessions touched a group of:

  • Youth and children with special needs form Wahat al-Farah (group of 6)
  • Students age between 8 and 10 years from regular schools (group of 5)
  • Syrian refugees (group of 27).